



What are mixrs?

Mixrs are the events organized in your groups.

All group members are always free to join these events :)

Mixrs are dedicated environments to animate your community through get-togethers, whether they are in-person or virtual!

Each mixr features :

  • A conversation feed
  • A participant directory
  • A media repository

Mixrs can be either In-Person, Hybrid, or Virtual. Make sure that the mixrs you are RSVPing to have an attendance model that fits your needs.

  • For hybrid mixrs you will be asked to provide your prefered means of attendance (in-person or virtual)
  • Information about whether a mixr is in-person, hybrid, or virtual can be found in the description.

Finding your mixrs

If you want to find a mixr that was organized in one of your groups you can either:

  1. Go to your myHome page and find it in the mixr section, every mixr that you have been invited too will be available there. Click on the right arrow of the mixr section to see upcoming mixrs, and left to see past ones.
  2. Go to the group where the mixr was posted and head to the “Mixrs” tab
  3. Go to your Calendar page under the “myCalendar” tab
  4. Search for the mixr by name in the general search (located in the header)

Finding new mixrs

If you are hungry for more mixrs than your current groups are offering you can easily get a global view of the mixrs happening in your workplace.

There are two main ways to find new mixrs to attend:

  1. Go to your Discover page to find a selection of mixrs based on your interests and location.
  2. Go to your Calendar page, and look for mixrs in the “General calendar” tab. Here you will find all the public mixrs organized in your workplace.
đź’ˇ Before attending a mixr you will have to join the group that is organizing it.

Registering to a mixr

Registering to a mixr form your group’s mixr tab is very easy, simply click on the RSVP button located on the right of the mixr you would like to RSVP to and select the attendance option of your choice.

Let’s dive into a mixr!


Navigating a mixr

Navigating mixrs is very similar to navigating a group, under the mixr header, you will find links to the three main mixr tabs (Feed, Participants & Media), click on the links to navigate between these tabs.


Recurring mixrs

Recurring mixrs repeat periodically, each mixr in the series features it’s own dedicated feed, attendee list and so on.

It is very easy to navigate between each occurrence of a mixr series thanks to the date picker located above the mixr header. Simply click on a date to see the mixr that is planned for that day.


Finding the location or join-in link of a mixr

Whether your mixr is hybrid, in-person, or virtual, you can find information on how to participate such as an address or video-call link in the mixr description and in the “about this mixr” widget in the right-side widget column of the mixr page.
