How can I add Zoom meeting to my mixr?

How can I add Zoom meeting to my mixr?

Adding Zoom app:

While creating virtual mixrs, you can generate a Zoom join-in link:

  • Through the process of creating a mixr, in “Where will your mixr take place?” step you can choose Zoom for you meeting:
  • You will be asked sign in to your zoom account through a pop-up:
  • Congratulations! Zoom connection was established successfully.

Usage & prerequisites:

No worries, MixR will make it easy for you!

While creating a mixr, an automatical Zoom link is generated. All you need to do is:

  • Choose Zoom for your join-in link.
  • Have a Zoom account.
  • Establish the connection between it and your MixR account.

Remove Zoom from your MixR account:

You can remove at any time connection between your Zoom account and your MixR account.

To do so, you have to follow these steps: Menu >> My settings >> Manage external APIs. From displayed APIs, click on the cross button aside Zoom.

Warning: removing Zoom will terminate any existing integration and disable related functionality.

Remove MixR from Zoom account:

In order to remove MixR from Zoom marketplace, you have to follow these steps:

  1. Login to your Zoom Account and navigate to the Zoom App Marketplace.
  2. Click Manage >> Added Apps or search for the "MixR" app.
  3. Click the "MixR" app.
  4. Click Remove.

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