
How to create mixrs

Organizing an event can be a lot of work, thankfully, MixR makes it as easy as possible. Mixrs let you create powerful event environments, connected with your members’ calendars, and rich with every feature you’ll need to make the most out of your events.

In this short guide, you will learn the basics of mixr creation.

Where to click

There are a few places that you can go to to create a mixr, in most cases, you can create a mixr in the same way whether you are on mobile or desktop.

  1. The Creation Button Located in the header on desktop, and in the navigation bar on mobile, the creation button offers a quick and easy way to create a mixr from anywhere on the platform.

Once you have clicked the button, a popup will appear giving you a choice of quick creation actions. From there, select “Plan a mixr” to start planning your mixr.

  1. The Group Page

As you already know, every mixr must be tied to a group. If you are already on the group page of the group you want to create your mixr in, you can simply click on the “Plan a mixr” button located underneath the group header image.


The mixr creation flow, step by step

  1. Selecting a destination group, naming your mixr, and writing a description

After selecting the destination group for your mixr comes one of the most crucial steps of any event, the marketing. In other words, what will be the event title and how will you describe it.

When naming your MixR, choose a title that is both descriptive and engaging. Your event name should clearly convey the essence of the event while being catchy enough to grab attention. Use keywords that highlight the main theme or purpose of the event. For example, instead of "Tech Conference," opt for "Innovate 2024: Future of AI and Robotics."

For the description, provide a concise yet informative overview. Mention the key topics, speakers, and any unique activities or features that will take place. This not only helps potential attendees understand what to expect but also generates excitement and interest. Aim for a balance between being detailed and keeping it succinct—typically, a few sentences to a short paragraph is ideal.

  1. Adding a mixr picture

Yes, we know, this part is a bit annoying, but it is SO worth it!

To add a mixr picture, just click on the upload button and select the desired picture form your device

You can use generative AIs such as Midjourney and Dall-e to help you create the perfect image for your mixr!
  1. Set the attendance type of your mixrs

There are three options of mixr attendence on the platform, In-person, Online, and Both (hybrid)

In-person mixrs:

Set an address and provide the necessary additional information to help members find the location of the event.


Online mixrs:

Online mixrs happen over video call. You have the choice between entering a link manually or through a linked integration with a videocalling provider of your choice.


Both - Hybrid mixrs:

Hybrid mixrs are perfect for events where some attendees come in person and others join-in from a link.

  1. Schedule your mixr

MixR lets you easily plan One-time and Recurring events, just select the appropriate option and fill out the information according to your requirements.

One-time mixr:


Recurring mixr:

Recurring mixrs let you choose between daily, weekly and monthly mixrs.

Do not forget to set the end date of your recurring mixr in the “until” section of the scheduling form
  1. Set mixr interests

As with groups, mixrs have a list of interests to help relevant users get suggestions and understand what the mixr is about. You can either add interests from scratch or use the same interest as your mixr’s destination group.

  1. Additional options

After adding interests you will be able to publish your mixr, preview it before publishing and add additional options.

These options include setting the mixr pricing, setting the date to send the mixr invite to members and setting an attendance limit for your mixr(s).

  1. Publish your mixr

You’re all done! Now it’s time to publish your mixr ;)

mixr drafts and templates

If you want to save some time, you might want to use a draft or template to speed up your mixr creation process.

Drafts: At each step of the mixr creation flow you have the option to save that mixr as a draft if you need to come back to it later for whatever reason.

Templates: Templates allow you to use a mixr you have created in the past as a template for your new mixr.

You can only use mixrs that you have created yourself as a draft or template